Executive Coaching
Change is the only constant, and change is always happening. What we have been taught in the past… may no longer work and/or may no longer be true. Future leaders need to find ways to exponentially enhance and advance their employees
Senior leadership has been shifting and relinquishing power back to all employees. We've also experienced massive shifts in the way we work, from remote to hybrid to in-person. Everyone performs best under different circumstances; is your business addressing this new paradigm?
Inner Leader
Our clients look to improve their employees' knowledge, skills, and morale. The focus must start with finding your “Inner Leader”. When you truly comprehend that you are the leader of your life, your mindset starts perceiving the world around you differently and you can more authentically show up at work.

The greatest disadvantage for businesses is losing top talent because no one invested in them
Advertising Sales, Washington D.C.
“Susan’s guidance and techniques have allowed me to develop critical life skills that involved looking at challenges in a new light. Instead of being a victim of life’s curve balls she taught me to see those obstacles as opportunities -opportunities that helped me to grow courage and strength. I had the best sales year ever last year and I attribute that to our coaching. I learned to recognize my strengths and believe in myself- I had lost that somewhere along the way. Susan taught me to celebrate myself, empower myself and continue to grow through everything that life has to offer. I am her biggest fan!”
CEO, Baltimore, MD
“Susan has a wonderful way of blending her insightful questions and intense focus with her kind and gentle spirit. It is a pleasure to work with her through various personal and professional issues. During our conversations, I have learned personal truths about myself, while other times, we discuss the crisis of the day. Regardless of the issues, I always find her wise, funny, energetic and supportive of my journey.
I would highly recommend coaching with Susan, especially if you are leading an organization or a team. Everything has changed since we started our relationship and I no longer feel like everything falls on my shoulders. After every meeting with Susan, I feel so inspired and positive about life, which my employees have noted!”
Communications, University of MD Graduate School
“I like that coaching does not preach a certain way or mentality but instead encourages self-discovery and challenges individuals to evaluate their lives at this moment in time. When focusing on academics it can be easy for students to lose sight of other dimensions of life and coaching can help facilitate awareness of how each dimension fits into the bigger picture.
The training not only helped enhance my listening skills when interacting with students but strengthened my relationships with peers and co-workers as well. I felt affirmed and uplifted after my one on one sessions with Susan. She helped me evaluate my life and brainstorm ways to maximize my potential and cope with challenges. Susan is a fantastic listener and our conversations felt authentic and comfortable.”
Contact Us to get Started!
Explore how we work with you on creating a culture of sustained results of high performing teams and leaders through:
Executive Coaching
Team Building
Leadership Development
Culture Change
who is a good fit for executive coaching?
New managers and senior leadership, targeted high potential employees, business owners and client relationship managers, as well as leaders going through mergers and acquisitions.
how could my company benefit?
I've seen so many benefits over the years with my coaching clients but hands down the recurring theme is increased confidence, better work relationships, ability to expand 'what's possible' for themselves and the company, and increasing happiness at work.
how does executive coaching affect office moral?
The increase in morale is why I have a passion for coaching! We spend the majority of our waking hours doing work, so why not enjoy what you do? My goal is for clients to have a passion for what they do, feel good by their individual work, and inspire those around them.
How much would executive coaching cost me? my company?
Most companies will pay for executive coaching but many clients prefer to pay out of pocket to advance their skills in moving up in the company or when looking for a new position. Hourly costs start at $300, most engagements are prorated for 3-6-12-month programs.
how long does it take to see results from executive coaching?
ROI of coaching is tricky to answer since it depends on the coach and the client. Having been a coach for over 20 years, I tend to see the best results by 6 months, some earlier and some later depending on the goals and how motivated the client is to 'show up' and do the work. Shifting mindset rarely happens overnight and then clients need time to integrate changes and be able to make modifications.
Why do you use DiSC Workplace as your preferred learning tool?
There are so many workplace learning tools but in my experience, I have found DiSC at its core to be the easiest tool for all employees to utilize. Often companies have many initiatives, and professional development can end up being one more thing to do. I've watched companies waste thousands of dollars on professional development that doesn't get utilize it because it's too complex or confusing, DiSC training is visual, auditory, and experiential so most employees can retain the basics despite different learning styles and with their individual online portal, employees can deepen their learning at their own pace.